“Play New” In-Store WebAR
Interactive AR Scavenger Hunt at Nike Flagship Stores
Client: Nike House of Innovations
There’s a child inside of each of us, or so the saying goes, which is the exact energy Nike is channeling with the Play New in-store AR experience. To take this concept to the next level, we were tapped by Bridge Studios (Philadelphia, PA) to help create an interactive, playful set of webAR games embedded amongst the colorful and quirky in-store buildout.

Launched via QR code at the store entrance, kids of all ages enter and explore the Play New AR web app, beckoning them to seek out and scan the five triggers scattered throughout the store. Each trigger launches an AR mini-game experience, with activities ranging from putt putt to kicking a virtual field goal. Once completed, each experience is logged in the web app – charting overall progress and showing which mini-games are yet to be discovered. Once all five are triggered and completed, the user receives a congratulatory prize from the store concierge.

Dream Syndicate and BRDG developed the Nike “Play New” AR as a webAR experience for easy entry and fast conversion without downloading and installing a dedicated mobile app. The in-store activations will be a limited time installment at Nike’s flagship House of Innovation stores in NYC, LA, and Chicago – Fall of 2021.

Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power, which if it were available in waking, would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare. – H.F. Hedge