Mural Arts AR
Dreams, Diaspora, and Destiny
Client: Mural Arts Philadelphia
In collaboration with Philadelphia Mural Arts Education, Haverford School, and Mural Arts resident artists King Britt (Music Producer/Philadelphia, PA) and Joshua Mays (Mural Artist, Oakland, CA) we developed a large-scale AR experience and companion app based on the real-life mural: Dreams, Diaspora, and Destiny (5325 Lansdowne Ave, Philadelphia).
3D visual elements in the artistic aesthetic were built out from the face of the mural to extend and enhance the experience of an otherwise flat work of art. Spatial audio is tied to every augmented object, providing a narrative theme with music and sound bytes as the space is explored.

To match the scale of the mural, the AR experience spans every square inch of the 125 ft x 13 ft lot in front of it, with 9 distinct sections and dozens of unique interactive elements placed throughout. The project culminated in a free iOS app, launched in the app store to coincide with the mural dedication, fall 2018. Download the MuralArtsAR app to experience it for yourself.

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men. – Goethe